Sunday, October 12, 2008

Pumpkin Picking in Maryland

There is something about the smell of spices this time of year. Every September, my sister in law always had a homemade potpourri burning on her stove. She boiled a muddy mess of water, sliced apples, orange peels, and spices that smelled like autumn. Her kids always knew that the smell of "Reenie's potpourri" meant that it was the end of summer and time to go back to school. Watever it looked like in the pot, it smelled like a warm home. This weekend was our annual pumpkin pick'n weekend. We live around the corner from Butler's Orchard in Montgomery County, Maryland and we just love their Pumpkin Festival. Butler's is a working family farm that does all sorts of events for the family all year long. But, their pumpkin and harvest festival is our favorite. Hundreds of people come out to the farm to enjoy their open field filled with fall fun. There is a little petting zoo filled with goats, sheep, pigs and chickens. Then there are corn mazes, a moon bounce, live music, pony and hay rides, a hay loft and a cool slippery slide. After we enjoy our time in the field, we head out to the patch to pick our pumpkins! The kids run around trying to pick the biggest one that they can find. Just fun. On our way out, we stopped at Butler's sweet general store where they have loads of fresh produce, crafts, preserves and more pumpkins. I made sure to pick up their yummy apple butter and a bushel of freshly picked gala apples to make my homemade apple sauce. (Yes, I do make my own... no comments needed) Wanna try it for yourself? Here is the recipe... Grandma and Aunt JoAnn's Applesauce
bushel of freshly picked apples (store bought is fine... you will need a dozen)
1 c sugar (and a little more to suit your taste)

Peel and Core your apples and slice them in half. Add to large pot of water and cook the water and apples until they come to a boil. Reduce heat and let them simmer until all of the apples are fork tender. With a food processor, puree your apples in batches and transfer into a large bowl. Add sugar to the finished puree and as much cinnamon as you like for flavor. (Some just add the sugar and nothing else)... enjoy.

Happy Harvest!

Stay tuned... I am jetting off to Santa Barbara tomorrow to meet up with Sam and the crew to shoot our new style series for the website. I am also going to check out the Hotel Santa Barbara and some other local faves. This is going to be fun! Travel On! Lori

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